October 16, 2009

Highlights Magazine - Current Needs

Highlights Magazine for Children just released its list of current needs. This magazine is a great publishing credit for writers. Highlights has a current circulation of over 2 million , which places it as the largest paid subcription, general interest magazine for children. That means a lot of folks will read your article! Interested in writing a non-fiction piece for Highlights? Be prepared for lots of homework. The editors demand high-quality pieces, and this requires expert reviews of your article, quotes, a thorough bibliography (not internet sources). And you may likely be asked for revisions. I had one article acquired by Highlights, and another currently under revision. It's not an easy process, but the result? A better article with a tight focus and an interesting twist for kids. Highlights pays well, upon acquistion of the manuscript. A bonus -other publications may have permission from Highlights to use the article, and the author receives additional royalties. Check out the Highlights list of current needs and good luck!

1 comment:

Shannon Hitchcock said...

Hi Jeannine,

I've set up a blog on blogger to mirror what I have going on LiveJournal.
